Monday, March 16, 2009

Wealthy vs Happy

People likes to compare, we often hear this people talk about how much this guy earns, what he has bought, how much he has spend, etc. And will usually follow by belittling themselves saying how poor they are... Of course, I do that too, jokingly... But in my heart, although I'm not a millionaire, I think I'm rich (in my own definition). At least, I am richer than at least 50% of the world population.

I've heard a friend of mine told me that he loves to travel, he feels happy when he travels, but he needs financial backing to back up his love for traveling, that's why he has to work very hard, earn money to live happy. I disagree.

I remembered when I was studying in university, I envy those that have their own car. When I graduated and employed, I bought a car, I was very happy and excited. I can finally afford my own car. I have been driving my car for 4 years now, and the happy and excited feelings fade away.

I believe many people have this experience. My point is, if you wanna earn money just to be happy, there's a high chance you'll either feel empty when you've achieved what you aim for, or you'll crave for more.

Happiness is not an aim, it's a choice. There's no need to wait until you're wealthy to be happy, you can be happy now. It's a state of mind.

It's not that my life is smooth sail, I had my ups and downs. But I choose to be happy, and looking back from now, I can't see anything. What I can see though, is who I am now, which is the cause of what I've been through.

You don't need to be wealthy to be happy, but if you're happy, you're always wealthy.

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